When faced with the challenge of forming a new relationship with a significant other or starting a family of your own there in turn will follow many restless nights overpowered by stress. Like everything else in life, all things in moderation. Stress is a power emotion that can help push us to accomplish our goals, but too much stress can wreck a person’s mental stability. When it is good stress it is described as eustress, but when it turns into bad stress you are in distress. An example of eustress in my life is when I am doing my school work for the week. The pressure of that I will not have enough time to finish all my assignments by the end of the week for me to be able to have fun with my friends is eustress. It pushes me into a positive direction that helps me in my life while I am also relieved of this stress so after I did everything I needed to do. I do not remain in a state of being stressed out after my assignments are done. An example of distress that remains in the same situation would be that of a big workload or procrastination. When I procrastinate my school work I place unnecessary stress on my life throughout the whole week and then immense stress when it comes the night of the due date. Then this vicious cycle continues on with no relief from stress that will eventually wear down on a person. That is why I learned to better manage my time, because after a while constant pressure like that on your life takes a toll on your well being. When it comes to marriage how you handle the stress that comes your way is vital to the longevity of the relationship. Financial or family stressors will surely come any couple's way, but the key to a long lasting healthy relationship is that the couple find a way to fix the problem amongst themselves. If the wife acquires the habit of talking to her friends or family over her husband about marital problems that will only cause a bigger divide between the couple. This is a type of emotional affairs that many couples face when they do not turn to their significant other for support. There is a model coined the ABC-X Model used to analyze stress and coping mechanisms within families. A stands for the actual event or the original crisis that is causing stress. B stands for both resources and response to the crisis. Additionally, how they apply resources readily available to them. C stands for cognition and how they perceive their crisis. This all adds up to X which is the sum total of their eXperience. This model can tell if a family is able to adapt to a crisis and if they see that they do not like the experience they are having it is time to reevaluate your ABCs. Maybe the reason you are having a hard time is because you are not using all of your resources or using them efficiently to your advantage. Another problem might be that it is all about how you see the problem ahead of you. Perception is key on how you feel about the problem. If you change how you view the problem itself, you can in turn change your attitude and outlook. The deposition you have when in a crisis can affect how your reaction in a situation. If you choose to play the victim and say “poor me” you are less inclined to get up and fix the problem for yourself. But if you say that this is a terrible situation but i can always make the best of things you will find yourself climbing out of that hole.
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