When faced with the challenge of forming a new relationship with a significant other or starting a family of your own there in turn will follow many restless nights overpowered by stress. Like everything else in life, all things in moderation. Stress is a power emotion that can help push us to accomplish our goals, but too much stress can wreck a person’s mental stability. When it is good stress it is described as eustress, but when it turns into bad stress you are in distress. An example of eustress in my life is when I am doing my school work for the week. The pressure of that I will not have enough time to finish all my assignments by the end of the week for me to be able to have fun with my friends is eustress. It pushes me into a positive direction that helps me in my life while I am also relieved of this stress so after I did everything I needed to do. I do not remain in a state of being stressed out after my assignments are done. An example of distress that remains in th...