
Showing posts from November 15, 2020

How to Be an Effective Communicator

  If you were to go up to any couple and ask “what is key to a successful relationship?” more often than not they will answer with communication. Like Brother Williams said in class this week, when a couple would come to him for counseling their problems a lot of the time came down to their communication skills. The process that communication goes through originates with our own thoughts and feelings then we encode the message through the means of media. Then the receiver has to decode the message and form their own thoughts on what they meant and they’re reaction. The media in which we communicate through words 14%, our tone 35%, and non-verbal 51%. These numbers strike a chord with me personally seeing as I have a personality that is more sarcastic and context is everything. In this day and age, texting is all the rage and we just rely on our words so these numbers might be a little different in more recent years. And as for me I absolutely hate texting, because the actual mes...